Want to greet your loved ones for their special day?
In 2019 when everything has become so generic Surprise your loved ones, family and friends with custom made cards for their birthdays.
Specially great for kids :)
In just a few simple steps:
🔸 Pick from one of the designs
🔸Send me the name of the person together with a phrase /if you have one in mind/
🔸Payment via PayPal
In only 24 hours you will receive one of the 2 options:
🔸an animated web version or
🔸a tailored file you can send to your local print shop and get it on paper like the good old times when collecting paper greeting cards was everybody's hobby ️

order me :)

Pick a concept and lets make it yours in just 2 simple steps
1.Pick a design
2. Click Oder me and tell me the name of the card. Also let me know if you want it to be a "from card" or a "to card"
That's it, enjoy!

A custom created font where each letter is a bunny character.
order me :)

Berry Happy Birthday
Perfect for veggie lovers.

order me :)

Perfect for artsy people. The phrase of course can be also personalized.
order me :)

A pattern made out of cute foxes and leaves. Great for people born in the autumn months.

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(addressed from someone)
A motion graphics card ready to be send to all your friends and love ones. The card can be addressed 'from' you or 'to' someone. Just let me know the names and I will personalize it for you
order me :)

(addressed from someone)
A watercolor motion graphics card ready to be send to all your friends and love ones. The card can be addressed 'from' you or 'to' someone. Just let me know the names and I will personalize it for you

Happy Holidays
(addressed to someone)
A custom created motion graphic card ready to be send to all your friends and love ones. Just let me know their names and I will personalize it for you